"Cassandra's Empty Eyes" is based on the Greek Cassandra Myth. A woman of wisdom and vision tries to save Troy from disaster, but nobody listens to her. This album is dedicated to the world's virologists and epidemiologists, climate scientists, educators, and artists of any sort. It is a lament for the "post-truth" world, where ignorant opinion is considered as good as knowledge. But the good news is that a vision of the Cataclysm in art means that it can be seen, comprehended, and averted in life. So, the aim of this work is to uplift, despite its grim theme. It is a sober reflection on dire times, but with an optimistic intent.
Prophecy is the main theme, and the lyrics and music reflect it through the use of lyrical and audio foreshadowing, but also through looping back—recycling early vocal tracks and instrumentals, stretching them out over time, simulating that feeling of inevitability, where past, present, and future become indistinguishable.
Recorded from Fall 2020 through Fall 2021. Dedicated to all who suffered during the Covid-19 pandemic and the accompanying climate catastrophes of 2020-2022. Let this album be a warning for those who scorn education, intelligence, and creativity.
This is an electronic album with a mix of ambient, industrial, dubstep, rock 'n roll, and a bit of black/doom metal. Released through Dark StarChasm Noise Theories Records (2022).
Contact: darkstarchasmnoisetheories@gmail.com